| Number of studies (k): 462 | Effect size: Correlations | ABSTRACT: This study reports the most comprehensive assessment to date of the relations tha
| Number of studies (k): 272 | Effect size: Correlations | ABSTRACT: This study provides a comprehensive assessment of the associations of personality
| Number of studies (k): 19 | Effect size: Correlations | ABSTRACT: Why are some people more skilled in complex domains than other people? Here, we co
| Number of studies (k): 53 | Effect size: Standardized Mean Difference and Correlations | ABSTRACT: As growth mindset interventions increase in scope
| Number of studies (k): 351 | Effect size: Standardized Mean Differences | ABSTRACT: Past meta-analyses of the effects of priming on overt behavior h
| Number of studies (k): 69 | Effect size: Individual Person Data | ABSTRACT: Influential psychological theories hypothesize that people consume alcoh
| Number of studies (k): 47 | Effect size: Correlations | ABSTRACT: Executive functions (EFs) are key skills underlying other cognitive skills that ar
| Number of studies (k): 112 | Effect size: Correlations | ABSTRACT: This paper provides a meta-analytic update on the relationship between intelligen
| Number of studies (k): 462 | Effect size: Standardized Mean Difference | ABSTRACT: The role of slow oscillations and spindles during sleep on memory
| Number of studies (k): 35 | Effect size: Correlations | ABSTRACT: Mindfulness is characterized by skills such as heightened awareness and acceptance
| Number of studies (k): 31 | Effect size: Standardized Mean Differences | ABSTRACT: Speech-in-noise perception, the ability to hear a relevant voice
| Number of studies (k): 104 | Effect size: Correlations | ABSTRACT: Central to many influential theories in the occupational health and stress litera
| k = 128 studies | Effect size: Correlations | ABSTRACT: Bullying is one of the most common peer-relational problems experienced by children and adol
| Number of studies (k): 125 | Effect size: Standardized Mean Differences | ABSTRACT: Academic motivation is an essential predictor of school success
| Number of studies (k): 31 | Effect size: Correlations | ABSTRACT: The Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) is a popular closed-vocabulary text a
| k = 91 studies | Effect size: MNI Coordinates | ABSTRACT: Humans synchronize with one another to foster successful interactions. Here, we use a mult
| Number of studies (k): 62 | Effect size: Standardized Mean Differences | ABSTRACT: According to mindset theory, students who believe their personal
| Number of studies (k): 285 | Effect size: Proportions | ABSTRACT: The Strange Situation Procedure (SSP) was developed five decades ago to assess inf
| Number of Studies (k): 71 | Effect size: Correlations | ABSTRACT: The dark triad is commonly conceived of three subclinical socially aversive and ex
| Number of studies (k): 77 | Effect size: Standardized Mean Differences | ABSTRACT: Cognitive theories of depression propose that impaired cognitive
| Number of studies (k): 42 | Effect size: Standardized Mean Differences | ABSTRACT: Intelligence test scores and educational duration are positively
| Number of studies (k): 42 | Effect size: Standard Mean Differences | ABSTRACT: Metacognitive deficits are well documented in schizophrenia spectrum
| Number of studies (k): 46 | Effect size: Standardized Mean Difference | ABSTRACT: We conducted a pre-registered meta-analysis to appraise available
| Number of studies (k): 770 | Effect size: Correlations | ABSTRACT: Decades of research document individual differences in prosocial behavior using c
| Number of studies (k): 32 | Effect size: Standardized Mean Differences | ABSTRACT: Before infants become mature speakers of their native language, t
| Number of studies (k): 135 | Effect size: Correlations | ABSTRACT: The protean/boundaryless career concepts refer to people becoming more self-direc
| Number of studies (k): 71 | Effect size: Standardized Mean Differences | ABSTRACT: How do emotional stimuli change the way we control our behavior?