Matthew B. Jané

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  • 2022–present | Ph.D. Quantitative Psychology, University of Connecticut

    • Research involves developing statistical methods and software for meta-analysis and evidence synthesis. Primarily focusing on correcting bias in effect size estimates induced by statistical artifacts.
  • 2021–2022 | M.S. Behavioral Neuroscience, University of Connecticut

  • 2018–2020 | B.S. Computational Neuroscience, University of Connecticut


  • Jané, M. B., Xiao, Q., Yeung, S. K., Caldwell, A. R., Dunleavy, D. J., … (2023) Guide to Effect Sizes and Confidence Intervals. A collaborative guide to calculating, interpreting, and reporting effect sizes and confidence intervals.

  • Jané, M. B., Kroc, E., Wiernik, B. M., Oswald, F. L., Johnson, B. T. (2023) Artifact Corrections for Effect Sizes. An open-source book for correcting bias in effect size estimates contaminated by statistical artifacts. In prepation


Peer Reviews

  • Psychological Bulletin, 2 reviews
  • Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 1 review


Johnson, B. T., Jané, M. B., Curley, C. (2023). Methodological Quality in Research in Health Psychology. Under review at Sage Journal of Health Psychology.

Champion, G., Jané, M. B., Johnson, B. T., and colleagues (2023). Efficacy of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Interventions on Stress Reduction in the United States: A Meta-Analysis. Data being collected.

Harlow*, T. J., Jané*, M. B., Read, H. L., & Chrobak, J. J. (2023). Memory retention following acoustic stimulation in slow-wave sleep: a meta-analytic review of replicability and measurement quality. Frontiers in Sleep.

Jané, M. B., Pisupati, S., Smith, K. E., Castro-Tonelli, L., Melo-Thomas, L., Schwarting, R. K., … & Read, H. L. (2022). Correlations across timing cues in natural vocalizations predict biases in judging synthetic sound burst durations. bioRxiv.

Jané, M. B., Uanhoro, J., Boika, N. (2024). Predictive Validity of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination on University Grades: A Living Meta-Analysis. Manuscript in Preparation.